With over a decade of experience in developing customised, expertise-driven, and transparent forecasting strategies for blue-chip to niche focused healthcare firms, AdametNext has expertise in driving highly accurate forecasting processes. Our team has established a holistic framework and competency in numerous forecasting methodologies based on our global experience in forecasting, strategic planning, and commercial excellence.
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Key Regions: Western Europe and APAC market
Forecast to assess In-licensing opportunity for complex pain market
Extensive analysis and validation to comprehend assumption for each country : Share of business/ Growth trajectory
Insights Generated
- Country level deep-dive analysis & forecast build.
- Step based comprehensive assessment (peak share, patient flow matrix, Rx pattern, and other bespoke analysis).
- Epidemiology analysis, Pricing, Peak switch analysis.
Key Regions: US and EU5 markets
Oncology pipeline product forecast across different lines of treatment
Epidemiology based forecast with scenario simulation. Combination of CI and Desk research to drive robust model assumptions
Insights Generated
- The targeted patient profile and customer segments
- Development of forecast tool with robust Data analysis and building of assumptions
- Patient share determination, potential revenue share, product uptake, and what-if scenario analysis
Key Regions: North America (US, Canada and Mexico)
LCM forecast derived through R statistical modelling for Portfolio prioritization
R-based forecast by brand to have multiple scenarios for next five years
Insights Generated
- Deriving SKUs to prioritize by country for 12 brands for Oncology and Immunology
- Portfolio stratification and investment prioritization across North America markets for cost profit optimization